
The Poverty Strategy Commission is an independent Commission formed and led by Baroness Stroud.

The Poverty Strategy Commission was brought together to develop consensus behind the actions needed to tackle poverty in the UK. The Commission will be considering actions that reduce poverty and the depth and persistence of poverty, as well as things that tackle the resilience gaps that many families in or close to poverty experience across a range of outcomes. The Commission’s scope is broad, covering everything from incomes, assets and debt, through to family policy, health and education. It will also consider actions from the widest range of actors, including Government, business, civil society and families themselves.

The Commission is an independent and rigorously non-partisan organisation dedicated to helping policy makers and the public understand and take action to tackle poverty. We hope that through our work, Government and others will be better able to develop interventions that reduce the number of people experiencing poverty and improve outcomes for those people who do experience it.

Our Commission members have been drawn from a wide range of backgrounds and each has valuable skills and experience to bring. We also have a strong team of technical and policy experts who will support the Commission and ensure that our thinking is underpinned by cutting edge, robust and insightful research and analysis.

The Commission is now hosted within the Centre for Social Policy Studies. The Commission would like to thank both the Legatum Institute for hosting the Commission in its early stages, and the Legatum Foundation for their significant support of this work. The work of the Commission would not have been possible without that support, and the research, editorial and functional independence that has underpinned the Commission’s work.

The Poverty Strategy Commission would also like to thank the following organisations and people for their generous support for the work of developing new poverty metrics for the UK:

Joseph Rowntree Foundation;
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (UK Branch);
Garfield Weston Foundation;
Jon Moulton; and
Stuart Roden.

If you would like to know more about the Commission, our goals and ambitions or how you can be involved, please contact the Secretariat team via secretariat@povertystrategycommission.org.uk